
Wot girl und panzer
Wot girl und panzer

wot girl und panzer

wot girl und panzer

I can understand those who bash this because its an anime and I do agree, anime are weird and not for everyone. I am a softcore Otaku and military enthusiast and in this case, without the colourful tanks and ceil shading, it just dosen’t fit and I prefer much sterner and rougher version of the national voice mode.


Its interesting to see the bashing at Girls Und Panzer, As much as I like the anime and did tried a voiceover once during patch 8.4, I’ve got to say its borderlining annoying. Didn’t mean to offend somebody, just writing my thoughts. And there are more of those that hate it. To people (anime lovers) saying that this is optional and it wasn’t made by WG, yes, you are right but just as much you like it, other people hate it. Most of wier shit I’ve seen came from modern Japan, and that can’t be unseen. This is just my opinion, but I’m sure more people don’t like this than do. The only thing I like from Japan and that part of Asia are Samurais with Katanas and their traditional bamboo/wooden houses that they used to have. Non-dubbed anime is so annoying TO ME, like they’re being raped when they talk. Naruto was cool when my brother watched it but dubbed on english. Everytime I saw a part of anime there were half naked female characters or some kind of freaks with a blade bigger than a bus. What the hell is this? I never understood people that watch anime, but then again they can do what ever they want and I shouldn’t be judging them… But for me anime (some of them) looks like some kind of porn for kids or something.

Wot girl und panzer